Phobia is the Largest
Anxiety Disorder
Links to Social Phobia Sites
Intensive CBT Treatment for Social
A three or four-week program designed to help people overcome social phobia
This is Dr. Richards' main internet site where you can read many articles, read over some therapy and therapy programs, view the new audio series on "Overcoming Social Anxiety", join the free Social Anxiety Mailing List, and chat in the Social Anxiety Chat Room. Lots of information at this site. Most important: if you continue to follow the mailing list and web site, people will write in describing what they did to overcome social anxiety.
Social Phobia Program at Temple University
Information about social phobia and national research trials in the Philadelphia area. This is Dr. Richard Heimberg's and his associates home page.
The Anxiety Network provides some of the most accurate information on the net concerning social phobia. Once you get to the home page, follow the links to the "social anxiety" home page filled with information, case studies, cognitive-behavioral therapy information, and other assistance. In addition, there is a home page called "Anxiety Strategies, Anxiety Therapy, and Anxiety Help" which has a lot of information and therapy concerning all the anxiety disorders, including direct help for social phobia.
Books about Social Phobia and its Treatment
There are dozens of good books here about anxiety and social phobia.
Phobia/Social Anxiety Association,
a non-profit organization
An international non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the message about social phobia.
Website dedicated to social anxiety disorder (social phobia)
from Dr. John W. Bush of New York City
The Campaign Against Social Anxiety
Personal: An Update on our son, Michael
Social Phobia -- The Largest Anxiety Disorder
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